Recently my old friend Jeff asked me how to properly order absinthe while at a bar. Specifically he asked, “How do you order/drink Absinthe? I am a man of limited experience. I drink scotch neat, but not much else. However, I’m thinking of giving absinthe a try.”
He asked me this specifically because my friend Dan and I have a podcast about absinthe: The Green Hour with Dan and Jerry
At first, I pointed him to a resource on the Wormwood Society website: The Proper Way To Prepare Absinthe In Society. That tells you everything you need to know from people who are the experts.
But Jeff specifically wanted to know, “If I order it in a bar, what do I ask for if I don’t want to come across as an idiot?”
I had to think about it, and so, from my experience, I told him it’s usually a three-step process because a surprising amount of bartenders still think it’s illegal. But here is how I do it:
Step One
Ask the bartender, “Do you serve absinthe?” That usually results in a blank look or an “Uh, no.”
Step Two
If the answer is yes, then ask, “What kinds do you serve?” If they offer Absente then decline. It’s not real absinthe. But if they offer Lucid or Pernod(you have to make sure the Pernod bottle actually reads “Absinthe Superieure”) these are usually the two most common, and you’re in luck. If they have more than one type, or especially if they have something like Jadeor Pacifica (my personal favorites), then you’re at a bar where they probably know what they’re doing.
Note: There are now a plethora of locally distilled absinthe varieties that are often regionally available, such as Amerique 1912 from Wisconsin or Absinthia from California. Many are excellent, but if you’re feeling cautious you can always consult reviews on the Wormwood Society website before plunking down your hard earned cash.
Step Three
Ask, “Can I get it properly louched?” If they give you a blank stare then say, “I’d like it the traditional way, with ice water and a sugar cube.” If they make any move to light it on fire, decline. Never never light good absinthe on fire. You’d be wasting money and good absinthe. If you want a flaming drink order Everclear and a fire extinguisher.
More Info
If you are curious about absinthe and want to learn the truth about this often maligned drink, I urge you to go to the best source, which is the Wormwood Society website.